The Product Life Cycle of Political Parties


Political marketing is the process whereby principles of marketing are applied in the political field. In a wide scope of definition, political marketing may be expressed as a strategic process whereby the voters and politicians are the main stakeholders (Joannis and Harris, p25). Politicians whose political parties are in power have the responsibility to ensure that their parties remain in power. The politicians whose parties are not in power are also concerned to ensure that their parties escalate to power. This research project provides an overview of political marketing and the product life cycles of these  political parties.

Problem Statement

Throughout the world, political parties are known to make headlines by introduction of new ideologies and political activities. However, much meaning has not been attached to this effort and many people especially voters do not know the effect of this move. Political parties are changing their ideologies every now and then but the reason has not been identified yet (Kinga, p187). Today, vigorous and more radical moves across the globe are being experienced as different political parties try to air out their beliefs. In summary, there is need for a better understanding why this happens. The following three questions need to be addressed in line with this research:

  1. Why do political parties have different ideologies?
  2. Why do some political parties have a greater influence on voters than others do?
  3. Why do political parties change from time to time?

Most voters and citizens are always ignorant of these questions. They blindly follow their preferred political parties without considering how valid their ideologies or else their products are. They also do not question why these ideologies change as time for election approaches.


The primary objective of this research is to unearth the background behind why political parties frequently change their ideologies. It will also help the voters identify the right political party based on its ideology. This research will provide an in-depth explanation concerning the product life cycles of political parties.

Review of the literature

Upon examination of different literature works by different authors concerning political marketing and the product life cycles of political parties, a general thought that political parties are not sincere with their ideologies is elicited. Political marketing involves political advertising and broadcasts of electoral speeches rather than the real issues affecting the electorates. Political marketing is just a convincing tool whereby politicians convince the voters only for their stakes and rather not the interest of the voters (Kolovos and Harris, p28). Although political parties have been adjusting their ideologies to fit the needs of voters, the same does not reflect on the ground (Mona and Lim, p772). Different works of literature therefore prove it that the change of ideologies by political parties is only directed to woo voters. It takes a new shape every now and then and this is the reason the political parties keep changing these ideologies. The ability of a political party to convince the voters that their ideologies are realistic is what persuades the voters making some political parties more popular than others (Mona and Lim, p768). 

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