What is the Mencius East Asian Conception of Human Nature?

Mencius is one of the influential philosophers in the Chinese history. He developed the influential doctrine of Confucianism, which was centered in human nature. Mencius developed the theory of human goodness that describes humanity to be based on virtues that include righteousness, wisdom and respect for existing norms and rites. Mencius was purely an educator…

How Does Stress Affect Police Personnel?

Abstract Police work is among the most stressful work in the world with mental, emotional and social stress (Suresh et al, 2013). This has led to higher cases of posttraumatic disorder in police personnel when compared to other professions like medicine and engineering (Marchland et al, 2013). Some of the major courses of stress in…

US HISTORY: The Early Republic and the American Civil War

America has come a long way from the day it was founded to the current super power of the world. Before the colonization of the Americans by the British, America was occupied by the Indians who lived a completely different life from the British colonizers.  Various cultures form part of the America’s early republic that…

How does compensation affect other functional areas of human resource management?

Compensation is a key area of human resource management. HR is tasked with the responsibility of recruiting, training and hiring employees. They must factor the compensation within the available budget so that the can motivate and retain skilled workers besides hiring. Compensation is not a rigid decision that is affected by external forces such as…

The procurement project for Aramco

1.0 Executive Summary  The procurement project for Aramco is a comprehensive journey aimed at strategically optimizing the acquisition of goods and services. From its beginning as a back-office function under finance, procurement has become a pivotal department oversight within technology, managing a substantial budget for R&D labs. The department’s strategic role extends beyond cost management…

Dress, Appearance and Society

There exists a strong inseparable correlation between dressing, identity and culture. However, modernity is fast changing the clothing and the fashion industry as people are spreading throughout the world embracing different cultures with different clothing as well. The fashion industry has evolved from the 18th century with the introduction of the media marketing on fashions…

US HISTORY: The Early Republic and the American Civil War

America has come a long way from the day it was founded to the current super power of the world. Before the colonization of the Americans by the British, America was occupied by the Indians who lived a completely different life from the British colonizers.  Various cultures form part of the America’s early republic that…

Misconception about discrimination of women in Muslim religion

Stereotyping about women and Muslim women is commonplace especially in non-Muslim countries. Muslims are highly perpetuated by the western media as oppressive towards women. There is a high notion that women are oppressed because of the way they dress and denied access of equal education opportunity. The western countries in Europe and the US have…

Modernism and Post modernism in art

Modernity and postmodernity has drawn huge debates in social and art fields. Berman’s is a major critic of modernism and postmodernism. He argues that modernism presented life with possibilities and perils. He asserts that modernity is a process of evolution that involves growth, transformation, adventure, promise and also threaten to destroy everything that it have…