Modernism and Post Modernism in Arts

Modernity and postmodernity has drawn huge debates in social and art fields. Berman’s is a major critic of modernism and postmodernism. He argues that modernism presented life with possibilities and perils. He asserts that modernity is a process of evolution that involves growth, transformation, adventure, promise and also threaten to destroy everything that it have…

Prejudice: Racism

Prejudice refers to negative attitude that leads to hatred or intolerance towards a certain group of people that is not based on facts, logic or experience. Several types of prejudice include racism, sexism, weight and sex prejudice among others. Prejudice can be categorized as implicit/subtle or explicit/blatant prejudice depending on the way is cognitively activated…

Mencius East Asian Conception of Human Nature

Mencius is one of the influential philosophers in the Chinese history. He developed the influential doctrine of Confucianism, which was centered in human nature. Mencius developed the theory of human goodness that describes humanity to be based on virtues that include righteousness, wisdom and respect for existing norms and rites. Mencius was purely an educator…